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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu


1 2 Seuraava >

Kirjoittaja Teräsbetoni


#1 kirjoitettu 19.03.2006 00:26

And what about this great band? Sorry I write it in English but I can´t speak finnish well

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1132 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 19.03.2006 01:13

To me their music is nothing special, but I like their attitude. It's brilliant self-parody, which might unfortunately be taken too seriously by some people.

But why did you ask this here although you started the other thread in the right area?

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#3 kirjoitettu 19.03.2006 11:25

cuz in the theard "musiikki" I missed topic about Teräsbetoni
If you want write in finnish ....I think, here are some people which like this band, aren´t?...
and yeah, their attitude is good...I just like they´re themselfs

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#4 kirjoitettu 19.03.2006 11:36

heh, thanks to admins they gave it here

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1965 viestiä

#5 kirjoitettu 19.03.2006 11:36

I moved this thread to 'English'-section as it is meant for threads in this language.

NapalmHead kirjoitti:
To me their music is nothing special, but I like their attitude. It's brilliant self-parody, which might unfortunately be taken too seriously by some people.

I think exactly the same. Their music is more like caricature of metal music but I like it and it makes me smile. Also 'Taivas lyö tulta' is one hell of a festival track. (:

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#6 kirjoitettu 19.03.2006 11:50

JaDubb kirjoitti:
I moved this thread to 'English'-section as it is meant for threads in this language.

okej...maybe it belong here....thanks Taivas lyö tulta is good song - it was the 1st TB´s song I heard...
You know, I am not from Finland, but I love finnish language, and it´s the reason why I like such bands as TB ...if Teräsbetoni had been start to sing in English, I think I don´t like it so much (Sorry my english, I don´t know how to say it ) For me is important the language (of course the music too!!! )

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11142 viestiä

#7 kirjoitettu 19.03.2006 12:55

Teräsbetoni is a band based on a joke. Unfortunatly the joke isn't funny.
Bad parody. Crappy music.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#8 kirjoitettu 19.03.2006 13:06

Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Teräsbetoni is a band based on a joke. Unfortunatly the joke isn't funny.
Bad parody. Crappy music.

I think the joke is quite funny - at least to me

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4849 viestiä

#9 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 12:06

I wouldn't consider their music as a joke. It's more like they brought every possible metal cliche into their music. It's popularizing music, not making jokes of it.. though pop-metal obviously can't be taken as seriously as "true" metal. But i really don't believe that Finnish metal is ever going to grow as overpopularized as, say, hip-hop. So i guess Teräsbetoni remains as unique as it is. They're talented musicians, i gotta give them that.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#10 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 14:47

Teräsbetoni is entertaining music. In my opinion, It is quite good finnish heavy metal (It beats, for example, the band Kilpi, who makes also finnish heavy metal). But after all, It's not a too good idea to sing medieval war heavy metal in finnish language, 'cause it sounds kinda funny. It sounds a lot better, when It's sang in english, than when It's sang in finnish. I don't know.. I suck at explaining things

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1040 viestiä

#11 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 16:51

I think the music that they make is pretty poor and I dont like the words.
So shortly: They suck. This is just my opinion...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1040 viestiä

#12 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 16:51

Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Teräsbetoni is a band based on a joke. Unfortunatly the joke isn't funny.
Bad parody. Crappy music.


^ Vastaa Lainaa

96 viestiä

#13 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 17:54

You gotta love a band like Teräsbetoni. They're like the Finnish Manowar albeit less self conscious and with better songs. And the fact that opinions regarding said group are so polarized bodes well for their future, methinks. What was that hoary old cliche about any publicity being good publicity?

I've often wondered, though, if they took the name from that old Donald Duck comic that had a band called Brutallica whose album was called "Teräsbetonia?" If they did, my appreciation for them just went up another notch

^ Vastaa Lainaa

643 viestiä

#14 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 18:36

Finland's gotta have our very own Manowar, and TB fills that niche quite nicely. They have a really good bass sound and quality singers but imho they offer nothing new to the already inbred metal scene.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

96 viestiä

#15 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 20:13

I agree, there's nothing terribly original about Steelbetong. I wouldn't even buy their album, personally, but, truly, they've found their niche and are very good at what they do, as you said.

There's something fantasically ludicrous about the singing; hearing Ahola sing for the first time reminded me of Bruce Dickinson singing Steve Harris' more, shall we say, "out there" songs like Invaders or Quest For Fire in the early 1980's. Thoroughly ridiculous but strangely enjoyable

Sorcerer muokkasi viestiä 20:14 21.03.2006

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11142 viestiä

#16 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 20:24

Fakap kirjoitti:
I wouldn't consider their music as a joke. It's more like they brought every possible metal cliche into their music. It's popularizing music, not making jokes of it..

Oh, come on.
It's just another parody takin advantage of the "lets laugh at the '80s"-trend (although the eighties are so 2003). They probably like that old '80s penis metal, but they are hardly taking theirselves as serious as their idols did back in the "good old days".

^ Vastaa Lainaa

96 viestiä

#17 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 20:35

Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Fakap kirjoitti:
I wouldn't consider their music as a joke. It's more like they brought every possible metal cliche into their music. It's popularizing music, not making jokes of it..

Oh, come on.
It's just another parody takin advantage of the "lets laugh at the '80s"-trend (although the eighties are so 2003). They probably like that old '80s penis metal, but they are hardly taking theirselves as serious as their idols did back in the "good old days".

You're probably right in saying that. However, I think they're very good at keeping up the appearance of taking everything very seriously. If they started, in that grandest of Finnish traditions, to downplay the "true metal" aspect of what they do and go down the tried and true "we're just humble musicians happy to make a living doing what we love-"route they wouldn't half as much fun to watch and listen to.

Again, more power to them, I still won't buy the album

^ Vastaa Lainaa

69 viestiä

#18 kirjoitettu 21.03.2006 22:00

Teräsbetoni is good for comic relief and cheers me up. I don't call myself a fan and never will, but I don't think it hurts any to have a band like TB around. I think they're a good reminder that music can and should be fun. Hell, even a band lik The Cure can be fun, if you look at them from the right perspective.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

10933 viestiä

#19 kirjoitettu 24.03.2006 15:12

Teräsbetoni is one of the few metal bands i even listen. It's fun to listen to, because the lyrics are funny and full of cliches.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

673 viestiä

#20 kirjoitettu 24.03.2006 16:33

Sorcerer kirjoitti:
I agree, there's nothing terribly original about Steelbetong

I just noticed this funny translation of Teräsbetoni..
You meant Steelconcrete, right? Or Stålbetong in swedish?

Anyway, in a some weird way I also like TB. First when I heard about it I thought it was a joke, but now I have to appreciate what those guys are doing. A very unique band with some twinkle in their eyes.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

96 viestiä

#21 kirjoitettu 24.03.2006 21:35

That was deliberately written in Swenglish, FYI

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Audio Society
253 viestiä

#22 kirjoitettu 25.03.2006 00:01

graineband kirjoitti:
Teräsbetoni is good for comic relief and cheers me up. I don't call myself a fan and never will, but I don't think it hurts any to have a band like TB around. I think they're a good reminder that music can and should be fun. Hell, even a band lik The Cure can be fun, if you look at them from the right perspective.

Yeah, fun is what we're lacking pretty much!
So big bollocks to Teräsbetoni and may your feet be in stiff concrete and still you rock on!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

69 viestiä

#23 kirjoitettu 25.03.2006 01:08

Teräsbetoni is just great in the sense that you have all of these bands who take themselves way too seriously. But then you have TB, who have a tongue-in-cheeck thing going on, kind of like Darkness. Both bands can play, neither is reinventing the wheel, but both are entertaining on at least some level - TB more so than Darkness, imho.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2467 viestiä

#24 kirjoitettu 25.03.2006 15:31

BVR kirjoitti:
Vetäkää käteen, Teräsbetoni on vitun kova.

BVR muokkasi viestiä 23:25 24.03.2006

Ainii, enklantia..

Fuck off, Teräsbetoni is fuckin' great.

This was a real pearl of wisdom. Heh.

TB is a good live act. Seen them twice and I liked their show quite much (I was drunk and so). Having heard their CD I can say that they are MUCH better live. It's a pity that Pyhä Maa isn't on their CD 'cause I think it's their best cut.

Taivas lyö tulta again in Sauna Open Air.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#25 kirjoitettu 25.03.2006 23:42

I Don't Like It

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3112 viestiä

#26 kirjoitettu 26.03.2006 04:04

There is no place in my heart to their music, or even this genre what they play. Somebody likes, somebody doesn't.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Mike H
1801 viestiä

#27 kirjoitettu 27.03.2006 12:17

One of the best finnish metalband!

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#28 kirjoitettu 27.03.2006 23:19

I love them. "Heaven hits fire above us!"

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#29 kirjoitettu 29.03.2006 16:59


^ Vastaa Lainaa


#30 kirjoitettu 30.03.2006 00:02

ArchHeretic kirjoitti:
Finland's gotta have our very own Manowar, and TB fills that niche quite nicely. They have a really good bass sound and quality singers but imho they offer nothing new to the already inbred metal scene.

That is the Deal! All music doesn't have to be too serious, does it? I dont give a fuck.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2467 viestiä

#31 kirjoitettu 30.03.2006 12:35

Funk-Daddy kirjoitti:
ArchHeretic kirjoitti:
Finland's gotta have our very own Manowar, and TB fills that niche quite nicely. They have a really good bass sound and quality singers but imho they offer nothing new to the already inbred metal scene.

That is the Deal! All music doesn't have to be too serious, does it? I dont give a fuck.

Frank Zappa has an album that's called "Does humor belong to music?"

Why, not? There's nothing wrong to do things in "a funny way". My own lyrics are not that serious.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#32 kirjoitettu 31.03.2006 17:54

Mike Horn kirjoitti:
One of the best finnish metalband!

Yeeeeeeeeeap I them!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

919 viestiä

#33 kirjoitettu 03.04.2006 13:05

"Sillä rinnassasi hakkaa...". The all time greatest Finnish hard rock act!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4760 viestiä

#34 kirjoitettu 12.04.2006 01:21

What? I would like to tell you guys, that Teräsbetoni really is (after a long-lasting research) serious about their music.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11142 viestiä

#35 kirjoitettu 12.04.2006 11:51

Heijala kirjoitti:
What? I would like to tell you guys, that Teräsbetoni really is (after a long-lasting research) serious about their music.

Yeah, right...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Jumalan nyrkki
43152 viestiä

#36 kirjoitettu 12.04.2006 11:57

Fakap kirjoitti:
I wouldn't consider their music as a joke.

Really? Heh heh... Of course you also say that Stratovarius is not a joke either. Heh heh...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#37 kirjoitettu 12.04.2006 12:52

Teräsbetoni is one of the most hated finnish metal bands, and maybe that is why most people love them.

Personally I hate them, but they do sound pretty good..

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#38 kirjoitettu 12.04.2006 15:19

empä oo kuullut kenenkään vihaavan niitä. luulen, että moni pitää sitä vitsinä vihaamisen sijasta. ihan kuunnelta biisi oli se taivas lyötulta vai mikä olikaan ja orjattaressa oli hauska video.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

386 viestiä

#39 kirjoitettu 12.04.2006 16:11

True, many ''true-metal-masters'' say, that they hate teräsbetoni.
I, personally, like their music. Okey, I'm not (and I'm not trying to be) any kind of ''true-metal-master'', but Teräsbetoni is a great band and I can't find anything wrong from their music. Simply, great finnish metal, maybe a little humoristic, but anyway. Great music.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4760 viestiä

#40 kirjoitettu 13.04.2006 00:10

Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Heijala kirjoitti:
What? I would like to tell you guys, that Teräsbetoni really is (after a long-lasting research) serious about their music.

Yeah, right...

No, really. I mean, not every musician considers heavy hair-muscle-rock of the 1980's as a joke.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1 2 Seuraava >

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu