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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu


1 2 Seuraava >

Kirjoittaja Music in english?

R & S pop-rock band

#1 kirjoitettu 05.01.2007 22:14

If you have a Finnish band, is it alright to make music in English? Does the style of music matter, when you chooce the language of your band?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

668 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 05.01.2007 23:42

R & S pop-rock band kirjoitti:
If you have a Finnish B-to-tha-izzand, is it aight ta makes music in English? Does tha style of music bitch whizzay you chooce tha language of yo band?

Well... If you wanna do that basic, melanchizzle shiznit that we Finns usually tend ta do (and like) so much, finnish would be tha lingo ta go...
The audience is baller limited in that case but tha response is betta, or at least quicka.

But, tha world goes around tha internet nowadays, so if one wants ta git some more friends/fans etc, one should bitch english. Profit or non-profit. It dont stop till the wheels fall off.
Eurizzles market is mizzle open ta accents but american market basically doesn't tolerate accents at all (unless its thizzat beloved olde english in rock/pop), so tha lingual delivery oughta be good like a motha fucka.

Anyways, some thugz like ta write in they native languages n some dont cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map. It should always be `bout wizzy you like yoself. Going against oneself tend ta be pretty tedious.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#3 kirjoitettu 06.01.2007 03:09

Ya an if I an I go do dat English sangraitan an da sang I an I rait, is a Na-Gud-Speek cas dem go rhaiman ta dem rhidm.

Just don't get that part of 'english'...

Sorry for the offtopic.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

R & S pop-rock band

#4 kirjoitettu 06.01.2007 19:43

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11142 viestiä

#5 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 02:00

All da tight peeps write dem lyrics in English, ese. ¿Comprende? Finnish iz una lengua muy shitty fo' dem lyrics, puto.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

5116 viestiä

#6 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 02:19

Waht, liek translations plz?!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11142 viestiä

#7 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 02:30

Örvelö kirjoitti:
Waht, liek translations plz?!

What da mothafuck?! You be dissin' us, ese?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Fantasy music
8 viestiä

#8 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 11:07

Who really care`s ? It`s 20 century and plus, if I`m right.

Fantasy music muokkasi viestiä 11:08 07.01.2007

Fantasy music muokkasi viestiä 11:10 07.01.2007

Fantasy music muokkasi viestiä 11:14 07.01.2007

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#9 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 11:40

Fantasy music kirjoitti:
Who really care`s ? It`s 20 century and plus, if I`m right.

Fantasy music muokkasi viestiä 11:08 07.01.2007

Fantasy music muokkasi viestiä 11:10 07.01.2007

Fantasy music muokkasi viestiä 11:14 07.01.2007

21th century you muppet!

And we do care, that's why we're so awfully serious about this.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Fantasy music
8 viestiä

#10 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 11:51

see you did not got the joke .

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Fantasy music
8 viestiä

#11 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 11:59

it really dos not matter what you sing suomi or english its up to you.some songs just sounds better in english,make em booth version if you wish.100 years ago this guestion was on top.Try some French too it sounds the best.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#12 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 12:15

Well on a serious note, I prefer using Finnish as the language of my possible lyrics. Not because I don't know English but because I know the whole Finnish language. Should spend years in UK to get really accustomed - not just good-morning-teacher-accustomed - to the language.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#13 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 12:26

English just stimulates me more, and " makes me want to sing " (;

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11142 viestiä

#14 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 15:34

Fantasy music kirjoitti:
see you did not got the joke .

Zitru don't get no jokes.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

304 viestiä

#15 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 16:31

R & S pop-rock band kirjoitti:
If you have a Finnish band, is it alright to make music in English?

No its not, language has to be finnish or otherwise polices will come and kick ur ass.

Mistähän näitä tulee?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#16 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 17:23

Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Fantasy music kirjoitti:
see you did not got the joke .

Zitru don't get no jokes.

That's true. Can I go cry now?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11142 viestiä

#17 kirjoitettu 07.01.2007 21:15

Zitru kirjoitti:
Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Fantasy music kirjoitti:
see you did not got the joke .

Zitru don't get no jokes.

That's true. Can I go cry now?


^ Vastaa Lainaa

R & S pop-rock band

#18 kirjoitettu 10.01.2007 22:03

so what about the other users?!?
what do you think about this?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7652 viestiä

#19 kirjoitettu 11.01.2007 19:13

R & S pop-rock band kirjoitti:
so what about the other users?!?
what do you think about this?

since you asked, i'll answer:


^ Vastaa Lainaa

R & S pop-rock band

#20 kirjoitettu 11.01.2007 22:09

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#21 kirjoitettu 12.02.2007 10:03

And this is the best response you can get from an finnish music forum.. ese..

^ Vastaa Lainaa

21350 viestiä

#22 kirjoitettu 09.03.2007 19:24

Herra Painajainen kirjoitti:

Mistähän näitä tulee?

Hy! Dude English only!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Ted Nugentti II
2422 viestiä

#23 kirjoitettu 11.03.2007 09:06

hapou kirjoitti:
Herra Painajainen kirjoitti:

Mistähän näitä tulee?

Hy! Dude English only!

gjordi forty lordi jordi fjordie!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

258 viestiä

#24 kirjoitettu 11.03.2007 13:17

R & S pop-rock band kirjoitti:
If you have a Finnish band, is it alright to make music in English? Does the style of music matter, when you chooce the language of your band?

If you have an even decent skill of spoken and written english it's alright.
Style's got nothing to do it.
Personally, as a dashing lingual elitist - ears always fixed on the becoming and begone vocalists NOT performing their colourful revue on 'er mother language...I don't much favor any vocalist that goes out singing their heart out with horribly little or nonexistent skill of pronounciation. Moreso, if the lyrics include clear grammatical "mishaps".

^ Vastaa Lainaa

335 viestiä

#25 kirjoitettu 14.03.2007 18:27

pallomember kirjoitti:
Style's got nothing to do it.

what dat mean

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#26 kirjoitettu 12.04.2007 14:10

yea yea allright let's start , TOO many finnish bands/artist's makes music in english , even tought they can't speak or pronounse the words correctly.
that just sounds so bad, so tip 1 , lear to speak/pronounse in english ,then make the music.
if your mother tongue is Finnish so please start with that before you start do lyrics in English!
coz SO many new groups starts with English coz they wanna be heard worldwide.
maby offtopic..or disscussed before.. but It's just my opinion. thx.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

335 viestiä

#27 kirjoitettu 13.04.2007 18:14

cmon so what if they cant pronounce shit

half of the people whose got english as their mother thongue
cant say shit correctly or pronounce shit!

cmon it aint that big of a deal

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#28 kirjoitettu 13.04.2007 18:28

markkujazz kirjoitti:
Zitru kirjoitti:
Ya an if I an I go do dat English sangraitan an da sang I an I rait, is a Na-Gud-Speek cas dem go rhaiman ta dem rhidm.

Just don't get that part of 'english'...

Sorry for the offtopic.

What the "F" If you don't know slang then stay away from it!

It was meant as a brutal rape...

Now, who did you say didn't understand any humor, Kuolleet Kekkoset?

Anyway, I don't know slang and I indeed shall stay away from it. That is, of course, if I'm not purposely trying to make fun of it.

Zitru muokkasi viestiä 18:29 13.04.2007

forward kirjoitti:
cmon so what if they cant pronounce shit

half of the people whose got english as their mother thongue
cant say shit correctly or pronounce shit!

cmon it aint that big of a deal

Indeed, that's true.
I know a few englishmen and my grammar and spelling is much better than theirs.
For example it seems to be widely known that the word than is in fact spelled then. Which of course every Finnish 15-year-old should (and by should I mean if they have learned anything in school) know to be incorrect.
Also these guys constantly forget their 's, which can make it hard to understand what they're typing..

Plus they KNOW they're shit at English, and they laugh at it.

God save the queen...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

335 viestiä

#29 kirjoitettu 13.04.2007 19:48

markkujazz kirjoitti:
So every one's trying to be American ghetto dweller or sound like em! Or do you just wanna be one then! It aint gonna happen! You have to be from there or have lived in one. The language used is called bubonics not that you should give a crap. If you want to embarrass yourselves like many of you already are then go right on ahead, knock yer socks off. But might I make a suggestion, don't take it past this site as you will be made a mockery! Just a word of caution, but do whatever you want! I'm just telling it the way it is take it or leave it!

actually its the other way'round
just remove the "every one's tryin to be.."-part

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11142 viestiä

#30 kirjoitettu 13.04.2007 20:28

markkujazz kirjoitti:
I hear Finns trying to sing or rap in English, some do very well but others.....STOP IT! All you are doing is embarrassing yourselves! Stick with your own language.

But what if most of the music you listen to is writen in English? It's kinda hard to write Finnish lyrics if all your influences come from English lyrics.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

668 viestiä

#31 kirjoitettu 13.04.2007 21:19

markkujazz kirjoitti:
So every one's trying to be American ghetto dweller or sound like em! Or do you just wanna be one then! It aint gonna happen! You have to be from there or have lived in one. The language used is called bubonics not that you should give a crap. If you want to embarrass yourselves like many of you already are then go right on ahead, knock yer socks off. But might I make a suggestion, don't take it past this site as you will be made a mockery! Just a word of caution, but do whatever you want! I'm just telling it the way it is take it or leave it!

"Bubonics", eh?

Honestly, what else could you possibly expect? We non-english-speakers are exposed to so much well-marketed english music that we've become more or less like the famous 'Pavlov's ejaculating dogs'... There's always a great bunch of people that wanna mock those, these and them other ways.

But yes, you're ABSOLUTELY right about the 'ghetto-lingo'-thing. There has been times, esp. in MySpace, that I've had to wonder what on earth those people are saying. "Safe on tha add", "Holla atchaboy", "I leftah my mommass left tit to hussla raaap pls check muh shit insidaout"...
Every black dude and dudette I'm fortunate enough to know, speaks and writes perfect english with more or less perfect punctuation (at least to my lazy eye). Soz, where's all that hooked on ebonics is cumin' from? Plus, why that nice and sleeksled steady tricyclin' sub-urban white guy has to be so seemingly and differently ~'hood'~?
In my opinion, it's that 21st century indivisualism everybody's got a hunger and a longing for. Check out the metal-scene in Finland or/and the emo- or "scene"-scene in the US and "holla atcha boy".

And yes, I don't like all those fake ebonics either but if I was to set some rules about how some people should act, react and sound like, I shouldn't make music at all.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#32 kirjoitettu 14.04.2007 01:50

i has a shuvel

^ Vastaa Lainaa

335 viestiä

#33 kirjoitettu 14.04.2007 12:23

So you callin me a challenged invidual?

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#34 kirjoitettu 14.04.2007 23:15

You should use MCOSP England in your songs!

ps. could someone proofread these: http://meganet.dy.fi/a..., they are good examples of MCOSP England!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#35 kirjoitettu 15.04.2007 03:34


That's really all I can say.

Now, Mr.Markkujazz, stop tellin people what to do and enjoy your life, please, if you could.

I agree with you in most of your points.. Points, that are in the end irrelevant.. If you make music, do you really categorize it carefully before you publish it? Like, "darn I got to record this again even tho it sounds damn good cause this guy 1923 has done it before".

I didn't think so...

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#36 kirjoitettu 20.05.2007 23:36

Actually, most of the shit posted here is irrelevant, especially those ones claiming that the English should be somewhat "perfect" to have guts to publish songs in English. I disagree. I have had a distribution deal with the Warner Bros, and all of those songs of my band were written by me. My English is perhaps not that good and not even close to perfect. But who cares in the big world? Ok, the lead singer of my previous band was Canadian, but she didn't change my lyrics that much.

Some high-nosed "music-polices" who think they've "seen the world" and are so fucking different and special tend to give some fucked up "advices" to the others, especially in Finland (God knows why? Bad nationwide self-confidence?), because they think they are somehow on "higher professional level". Offff. C'mon, you forget the ordinary music-consumer who doesn't necessarily speak English that fluently (even in the States) or who just might find it "interesting" to listen to different "dialects". There's no one common way of pronouncing English, as you all must be aware!!!

I would say that anyone who wants to write lyrics or sing in English or in any language can freely go for it and see what happens.

Was 4R doing well in English? Certainly not, but the boss of their US -recording label said there was no problem with Ilkka Alanko's English. Did Bomfunk Mc's sound so original? Definately not, but it sounded "good enough" what so fucking ever it might mean.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#37 kirjoitettu 21.05.2007 00:37

markkujazz kirjoitti:
Actually, I enjoy life to the fullest! I've traveled a lot, been on the road,played professionally and have even made a shit load of money at it, have two cars, own my own house, have a nice boat, a trailer and probably a lot more than you will ever have. Not only that but I just came back from a great fishing excursion.

I'm glad that makes you happy.
Personally I'm not so much into matter and property, but I guess it's good someone is since there's so much of it in the world.

I am merely trying to respond to the the question. As a fluent speaker of English, a literate, an educator and as an individual NOT living in Finland, I can make a better judgment on this than perhaps you could. I highly respect the intelligence of all of you and realize what you have gone through in learning the English language properly along with other studies. Once upon a time I too had to learn the language but through much more difficulties than any of you have had to go through. I am merely stating that "do as in Rome as the Roman's do" but do it well enough so that you don't come across as a phony.

You don't respect the intelligence of anyone you addressed that judgement part to.

In response to the second part of the question: "Does the style matter when choosing the language for your band? Well Duh! Of course it does! Most of you have already proven that by trying to copy the American rappers and making yourselves a mockery 'cause most of you can't do it right. As for singing pop or rock, most of you do it quite well as it does not need a specific dialect to do so. I applaud you for that!

What about Finnish-English rap?

If I would write English rap lyrics - hell, any lyrics - I would definately not copy anyone. Why would I?

Personally I could give a ratz ass what you did and how you did it. If you want to make a fool out of yourselves by all means do so after all it's only my opinion!

Indeed. Not the "big world's" opinion. Just yours.

In response to your categorizing part and I don't really understand what you are trying to convey here, but if you are asking me if I have recorded tunes by other musicians or composers even though the original recording already sounded great? Then hell yeah but with my own flavor. I don't try to make it sound the same and it sure as hell doesn't need improvement. But, I've taken Beethoven's music and created jazz compositions out of it. Same for Chopin and other's. I never try to copy another artist nor do I want to because that is not being creative. It's just being a copy cat. You see, I like to be creative using my own style(s) which is a mix of many fused in with my own. But then,like you say that's irrelevant.

No I meant quite the opposite. You write a song, you record it. Then you listen to it and notice that you've heard the sound before. While it sounds good as it is, will you go and record it again just to make sure you're not 'copying' anyone.

After-Ego muokkasi viestiä 00:40 21.05.2007

Oh, and at the end of the day, the big record companies should really pull their fingers out, find that mirror and take a good gaze asking themselves "why would anyone really want to deal with us?"

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#38 kirjoitettu 21.05.2007 01:25

But do you have a flag?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

5248 viestiä

#39 kirjoitettu 27.05.2007 17:04

God damn I had loads of laughs while reading this thread..I write all my lyrics in english unless if I'm told not to, or I'm doing something überclever mockery of something. I don't really care at all if some old fart thinks that I shouldn't. I have tried to do some metalmusic with finnish lyrics but they have all sucked or turned into a comedy.
But that markkujazzdude should really have his head examined, hey really!?
And if someone can't sing properly in english, have you ever thought that it might be because he(or she) is so fucking wasted that is barely able to speak? What then?

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#40 kirjoitettu 27.05.2007 20:13

Epoche kirjoitti:
God damn I had loads of laughs while reading this thread..I write all my lyrics in english unless if I'm told not to, or I'm doing something überclever mockery of something. I don't really care at all if some old fart thinks that I shouldn't. I have tried to do some metalmusic with finnish lyrics but they have all sucked or turned into a comedy.
But that markkujazzdude should really have his head examined, hey really!?
And if someone can't sing properly in english, have you ever thought that it might be because he(or she) is so fucking wasted that is barely able to speak? What then?

Agreed...that's what I tried to tell above. Your English doesn't have to sound "native" to be acceptable by the large audiences, because most of the music consumers in the world are not native English speakers either. The point is to be able to express yourself. Most Americans cannot speak English properly either. They do not care about some little things in your accent! The ordinary American might just think that "funny accent, perhaps he comes from Canada"? Neverthless, it's richness NOT weakness to have different dialects - even if some of them were caused by the fact that you're not a native speaker!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1 2 Seuraava >

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu