Common Problems When Caring for a Ficus Plant Almost everyone who has owned a ficus tree has asked themselves at some point “Why is my ficus tree dropping its leaves?” A ficus tree losing its leaves is the most common problem these plants have. Leaf drop is a ficus tree’s standard reaction to stress, whether it’s from any of the following: Under watering or over watering Low humidity Too little light Relocation or repotting Drafts Change in temperature (too hot or cold) Pests If your ficus is losing its leaves, go through the checklist of proper ficus tree care and correct anything that you find wrong. Ficus are also prone to pests such as mealybugs, scale and spider mites. A healthy ficus tree will not see these problems, but a stressed ficus tree (likely losing leaves) will surely develop a pest problem quickly. “Sap” dripping from a ficus houseplant, which is actually honeydew from an invading pest, is a sure sign of an infestation. Treating the plant with neem oil is a good way to handle any of these pest issues.

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