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How to pick a bridesmaid dress


??1, in order to avoid clothing is too orthodox or too casual, you can add fashion elements to details. If it is to wear a suit with a fashionable lace and lace, the coat is equipped with an alternative small sling, with a bright color, a bead piece, a five colored splice and a sexy bra.

??2, the bridesmaid's skirt should not be too short, so as to avoid outdoors activities and be out of touch with the occasion.

??3, the design of bridesmaid dress is simpler than that of the bride. The dress style is between the evening dress and the leisure dress. Do not choose long mop. This is too grand and can be focused on the small dress.

??4, dress should be low-key dignified, not too exposed, otherwise it will grab the bride's limelight, will also make the presence of elders unhappy. Related reading: Bridesmaid Dress matching skills to find the most elegant style.

??(two) color

??1, pink

??Pink is an indispensable color in weddings, and it has a sense of indifference in bright pink. Therefore, we must pay special attention to the control of depth.

??Bridesmaid dress, in the wedding as far as possible to highlight the maturity, after all, is the bridesmaid rather than a child in the wedding, the large area of the use of pink time, style can not be too loose, as soft as possible, if you want to add romantic temperament, the fabric of silk satin.

??2, yellow

??Dazzling yellow, deep and shallow, and bring out the effect is also very different, we should note that brightness and direct brightness is directly proportional to.

??The bridesmaid dress, the goose yellow can match the snow spun or the yarn quality fabric, does not need the large area cover skin, can bring the light elegant feeling, also can choose the other color dress to match the local color.

??3, green

??Green with a sense of seriousness, it is advisable to choose a high degree of skin care, sling, no shoulder strap, which can bring the extreme effect of green, and coexist with elegance and sexuality.

??The bright and bright green is very suitable for the wedding in spring. The pale green is very wide in scope of application, and also suitable for the large area of the dress.

??(three) accessories

??1, do not have headwear on the head of a bridesmaid. If the bride is a white long yarn, you will wear a white skirt. If the bride does not wear long yarn, you will wear her similar clothes.

??2, a bridesmaid is better not to rub lipstick, to use plain face for the bride to foil.

??3, it is best not to bring jewelry, eye-catching degree should not exceed the bride. If you want to highlight the characteristics of the bridesmaids, you can tie a white scarf around your neck.

??Read more at:red bridesmaid dresses uk | pink bridesmaid dresses uk

Kirjoitettu Thursday 26.04.2018


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