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Mirroria - Hidden in this lovely night 2 cd

Mirroria - Hidden in this lovely night 2 cd

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Hidden in this lovely night 2 cd

Genre:X - Muut

I do -
Varjojen laakso -
O` hear me in the night! -
In the shape of the raven -
Raidrops`s fallen -
I Cried Endlessly 06:11
For the queen of my heart -
To the one beyond the cosmic shadows -
To kiss the red velvet silence -
Choose Love! 05:40
The wedding -
Queen of the Hades -
I Miss Your Candles at Night 04:29
Forgotten in the paradox of universe -
The old totem -
Broken mirror -
Pleasant nightmares! -
Loveless -
Hourglass -
Spiritbride -
The moon whispers -
The lies that stole my love and killed my hope(Hideous MrCrowley) -
In the presence of the immortal shadow -

+ Lisää omaan levyhyllyyn   Oma levyhylly

Samankaltaisia albumeita

Heney - Fruity Stuff

Borknagar - Quintessence

Black Sabbath - Sabbath, Bloody...

D.R.I. - Four of A Kind

Technicolour - Way Out


Arvostele levy

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