
Orgasmalgia 31.07.2015


K4S is back und better zhan everr! First zong of zhe 2015 is about ejaculation pain and ISIS. It'z totally political piece of art, total spührnegel. Sieg Marx und Karl Heil!


We recovered from zerious case of coprophilia last year. It was affecting our quality of songs (e.g Rape in the park), but it'z alles gut now, we zhink.

-   0 136 kuuntelua
Funeral Doom

Count Cockula und the (k)nights of Transgendervania 18.10.2014


I can't speak with my mouth full of penises. Figure this out yourselves!

-   0 115 kuuntelua

Edward Penishands 18.10.2014


In Count Cockula's castle lived a boy. He was a talidom kid. "Daddy I'm in pain, I have no hands, I have no hands!" He cried to his father. "Let's fix that for you, you cumbucket.. I mean, my son!". Daddy replaced Edward's cumbucketarms with penises. Then Edward started to rape everything he stumbled into. Including his father!

-   0 194 kuuntelua
Children's Music

Günther sexfest 4000 28.01.2014


iz pretty big event when somebody in zhe band reaches his birthday, und zis time our boy GÜNTHER needed a über big partyy. We arranged huge stadium wiz big ass stage and invited only zhe very important V.I.P people. We raved like three days and for zat cause we made this über superultra schlemenhoffen surprise song to Günther. Zis song will last foreverrr to infinity and GÜNTHER ICH LIEBE DICK!!!!

10   1 135 kuuntelua

Bowel parasites (in bowel paradise [in outer space]) 05.01.2014


So wi ate zis infected food one day, und it gave us whole bunch of PARASITES!! Und it was supa awkward because we were adventuring in a deep space in a tiny tincan like space ship... so it got a bit messy.

10   0 159 kuuntelua

11th Commandment 18.10.2013


First of all, thanx für our friend Benedict XVI! U rock! This song has parts from our number eins live performance from Liechenstein. Johan played all ze guitar und Klaus composed all really cool dubstep parts. Enjoy ;);) (Live audience was real).

8   2 156 kuuntelua

Addicted to Laxxxative 05.01.2014


Well, we have zis confession to make!:: we wantz to like totally warn u about dangerz of durschfall, '''cos iz like totally uncomfortable when u have it in outer space, when u have to totally poope and it floatz to ur helmet and u get massive bonerr and mostly makes u vomitt. so itz like u can't see a shit expect u can, way too well.

10   0 96 kuuntelua

Wurstfest (Kochwurst) 01.08.2013


Zis is zhe first song of our new album, Extraterrestrial Anus Ultraviolet Ray. Music video incoming too (Looking for backround dancers, please report!) Super awesome lyrics und killer beat! Party !

7.25   2 142 kuuntelua

Christmas in Finland (Rape in the park) A minor 09.07.2014


Our first holiday in finland, we spent two months in ze hospital after getting über brütally raped in ze arschenhalle at ze first park we stumbled in to

-   0 96 kuuntelua
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