Sanctimonious: Dark Fantasies

Dark Fantasies

Erotic fantasies so dark
I can't understand in me
When did I come this pervert
that I am now?

Erotic fantasies of dark desires!
Sadomasochistic action
I want this, do I?
The orgies of pain and pleasure
in my mind!

I dream of rapes and leather
Perverted desires for me!
Fantasies so dark
that I don't even want to think

When did they come to me?
These so dark fantasies
In a dream of pure pleasure?
Sexual and painful!

Erotic fantasies too dark I deem
Sexual satisfaction through pain
Whips and bruises for me!
I dream of these as erotic fantasies!

Desires too dark to speak
Leather, whips, wounds, blood
Vampyric fantasies of blood
and sex, together bonded