Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja




discernment is the key to navigation, like a firewall to allow the information create the image of self bytes by bytes. *All* is involved in the process. The process is fractal, spiral ie. ever changing and *evolving* whole loop. In the process (black hole) comes renewal (white hole). Take account.

I protect potentiality, the challenge. The potential is all, the center.Everything can be everything. Nothing can be nothing.So I'm biased to everything. Who are we to say the effect is..*but in process*? This all magick, to play w/ illusions. Yet they can become real, so we ought to be mindful what we bring about. I do NOT know the answer, yet I do know the question. I live it, I embody it. Go deeper. I do appreciate all true attempts to remove the surface. I focus anima/earth. No belief needed

all is sacred. if not, then you can destroy... all
permitted. it's all your choice to destroy parts of you and
allow others run the show. Love process, all can change.
The beauty of uncertainty is your flow of allowance

Kirjoitettu Thursday 20.08.2009


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