Reign of Doom

Dyryth | 18.11.2020 | Speed Metal

Dyryth - Guitars, Bass
Cadaver - Vocals, Lyrics

War standard looms against the blackened sky
Twin snakes drawing closer
Master of illusion bends you to his will
No longer in control

Drawing the land under his doom
From tormented mind revenge will bloom

What does not kill you makes you stronger
Years spent on the wheel of pain
Gathering knowledge and cunning until
It's time to cross paths again


Path of revenge has led to his domain
To the final encounter
One last attempt to take away your will
But he will fail

Freeing the land from his reign of doom
Scattered disciples, a new age will bloom

8.00   109 kuuntelua


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meomarte 04.04.2022
Sanoista ei meinaa saada selvää, on hyvä että ne on laitettu mukaan. Kitaristi vuorottelee itsensä kanssa. Se on ihan OK, kun mikki on eri. Tarina taitaa kertoa tämmöisestä Conan barbaari tai Bathoryn Blood on Ice -tyyppisestä tapahtumakulusta. Tai sitten ihan normaali koulupäivästä.
Kaiken kaikkiaan hauska vetäisy.
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