Tranquility Bay

Excrement | 20.01.2006 | Power Metal

Ynkkähenkinen biisi "iloisesta" lomakohteesta.

9.40   1227 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

In the dead of the night they will snatch you
From your bed or from your deadwhite throne
Restrained & blindfolded - journey to unknown
Fear gnawing at your each bone

This place you've arrived - your redemption
Transform you no matter the cost
"Emotional growth" won't come easy
Without risk of sanity lost

Behind the walls it is different
Promises fade and the hard truth sets in
As long as you protest and defy
You are sure to stay within

Earn your way up the levels
Beyond six freedom awaits
Soon it's you dealing out the pain
Or "consequences", as we say

Tranquility Bay
We start over the next day
It's up to you to make a difference
Earn the privilege to be free

Tranquility Bay
We can make your problem go away
And returned to you
100% redeemed

Tranquility Bay
It won't ever leave you


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Joonas Y 17.08.2006
Toi terssien runsas käyttö loi tähän biisin jotenkin omanlaisen tunnelman. Tulee vähän mieleen että tää olis jostain iskelmästä tehty heviversio (ei millään pahalla :). Onko toi 2:30 kohdalla alkava juttu jostain oikeasta klassisesta teoksesta? Soolon tausta muistutti jotenkin ynkän sooloissa käyttämiä taustoja.
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