Portolan to Hell

KYRPÄ | 01.12.2010 | Black Metal

Lyrics by K. Fenrir

For years I have tried
To tolerate this shit
You may call it life
But I call it filth
Too long have I taken
What's handed to me
I don't belong
Fuck your sheepish thinking!

I feel my time has come
I'm leaving your fucking world
Show me the directions
Portolan to Hell!

I've always hated your kind
So my end is now
My visit here
Has been a disappointment
To slit my throat
Is my last and only wish
I bid you all a farewell
I hope we'll never meet again!

The end is nigh
I feel it coming
My blood pours out
Portolan to Hell!

No more can I see
My mind has gone numb
The heart has stopped beating
No longer will I feel pain
Portolan to Hell!

8.50   450 kuuntelua


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Varhainen Valo 21.12.2010
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