Slaves Of Necrophilia

Belgarath | 21.07.2008 | Black/Death

Ensimmäinen kappale bändiltä. Good Shit.

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Exhumation on graveyard.
Caskets opened, necrophiles have screamed.
Rotten corpses smell up to air.

Animals have killed for fucking.
Death bitches have raped to hell.
Graveyard has slaves of necrophilia.

Mutilating dead body, getting orgasm.
Drinking blood of putrid flesh.
Smelling stench of dead drugs.

Animals have killed for fucking.
Death bitches have raped to hell.
Graveyard has slaves of necrophilia.

A night of necrophiles.
Slaughtering, torturing.
Mutilating, fucking.

All of us are slave of necrophilia


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