
Tomas | 10.04.2023 | Death Metal

pingslam! very brutal lyrics sorry - brutal lyrics for brutal music, that's just the way it is
coincide with the captive of a purveyor of mangled flesh
the livelihood of a carcass
tantalising & withered - this bloodstained carving moving slowly
in decisive cuts it leaks

more of the eyeball left
in regards to your structure
the oblivion in asphyxiation
still beating (a dead heart)

maligned with spite and a fixation on decay
the throne of the deceased in anguish i can see
to spay your wretched hide & fuse amongst the washed away
an eternal captivity of suffocated funerality

piercing through what little is exposed & made for the tool
in a soiled patch of epiphanies, we can both play the fool
a razor's edge left a waterfalls mark, of the liquid encased within
the juices of desire & my work, to collate wither & sew

the pouring of the acid that evaporates all the form
the skeletal vision of a putrid death is now forever torn

everlasting the manifestation of a piece fragmented in two
wishing for a blight on a single stench of your spew

scissor dissected bitter plea
the congealed stench of the spleen
utter manifested wrath, the vision sought
no turning back
the dawning sky, vermin spies
a craftmanship of grave design
inner scythes of poison rats

0.00   38 kuuntelua


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