


Jonathan 10.02.2007

hey ya guys, this's Jonathan diablo Reyes, thanks for all support, special all those people back home in Oregon. check more in my space, there's some few pics. love ya all hugz !!!

Jordan 10.02.2007

fuck man, finally some one who really sing well. rigth on dudes show the Fins, how americans we're do

ANNE 10.02.2007

when is da gigs.???

mervi 10.02.2007

this is one of the best, metal in Finland, do you have label? Ihave some connections, but I hear Jonathan don't want tour to much, cuz of his family, man lucky wife. gosh!!!

hanna 10.02.2007

oh! any more pictures of lead singer gggrrrrr!!!

Leonard 07.02.2007

cool shit time for rana

Nimetön 06.02.2007

Nimetön 06.02.2007

Hell Boy 06.02.2007

oh! man is that really you. you most be crazy on stage. I can wait, am gonna see ya someday. thanks for make metal more important. be proud to be a AMERICAN. don't be so hard on you.

Jonathan 27.01.2007

hey ya guys, this's Jonathan diablo Reyes, thanks for all support, special all those people back home in Oregon. check more in my space, there's some few pics. love ya all hugz !!!

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