To the land veiled in mist

Avathar | 25.09.2008 | Fantasy Metal

Uutta Avatharia tälläkertaa nettimuodossa eli tätä ei tule myyntiin! Kerää omasi talteen ja pikaisesti.

Demo koostuu kahdesta uudesta kappaleesta:

1.To The Land Veiled In Mist
2.The Wind

Demo on Avatharin itse äänittämä ja miksaama.

To the land veiled in mist

Pale sky now stands before me
leaves grey are dead
to the west
our light now must flee
In the gloomy night we shiver
our time has passed
say farewell to these shores
long here did we dwell

Flee from the dark hand
and the fading light
your time here is gone
the world you knew has changed
what once was green
now lies dead and cold
never will return
the good days of old

Grey waves now flow before me
longing my return
to the west
where night does not reign
golden flowers still there bloom
and majestic towers marked with runes
stand undefeated and eternal
beside mountains fair

Flee from the dark hand
and the fading light
your time here is gone
the world you knew has changed
what once was green
now lies dead and cold
never will return
the good days of old

With bright steel in hand
shielded by shining armour
to these eastern shores you rose
usurpers and self made kings
exiled by your ancient sins
hear now the howling winds

cursed by your pride
to everyone you lied
both pain and beauty sailed with you
against the dark lord you fought
yet more misery here you brought
leave now and never come back

For our days are ending and our years failing
I will pass the wide waters lonely sailing
Long are the waves on the Last Shore falling
Sweet are the voices in the Lost Isle calling

Pale sky now stands before me
leaves grey are dead
to the west
our light now must flee
In the gloomy night we shiver
our time has passed
say farewell to these eastern shores
long here did we dwell
Grey waves now flow before me
longing my return
to the west
where night does not reign
golden flowers still there bloom
and majestic towers marked with runes
stand undefeated and eternal
beside mountains fair

9.33   4883 kuuntelua


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Al-Senior Beats 08.12.2008
En tiiä jätti vähä kylmäks ku toi muu soitto syö rummut kokonaa tosta ja laulun, rumpui vitusti kovemmalle miksaaja ja laulua ja örinää kans,
muute oli aika fantasia leffamusiikkia!
0   +1 +2
Closure 29.09.2008
Tässähän on paremmat soundit ku druidin esikoisella!
0   +1 +2
aZaril 25.09.2008
On taas onnistunutta kamaa.
0   +1 +2
Furius 25.09.2008
Taas uutta mahtavaa tuotosta joka ei taatusti jätä kylmäksi. Mieskuorojen osalta parannus on huomatta, muilta osin kaikki on samaa taattua laatua kuin aikasemminkin. Vaikka kummastakaan biisistä ei löydy selkäpiitä kylmääviä kohtia, kuten Sharp Glancen 5.15-5.34 rääkäisy, In the Halls of the Deadlessin loppuosa ja Tower of the Moon kokonaisuudessaan, ei se menoa haittaa. Kaikin puolin laadukasta mättöä.
0   +1 +2
Method 12.11.2008
tääki on niin hyvä, tykkää kuunnella:)
0   +1 +2

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