Seiren of love (Dragon of love)


The great gosbel of Cursimus, The gosbel of genus infinite.

-Draculin Ra´ren Cursimus -The gosbel genus infinite-

The most beautifullest eternity is with infernal potents to come fullfilled and the legends are all. Life in every angle positive and infinite genus. Living a climax highest and nondieing resurrect of life and morally immortal, goodwise and exellent shall overtake infinitively all. 6+6+6+6 is the number of infinite beast. Let the light glow beyond.

[Infernal legend]

Infinitive is love and all. Life is sacred and most. Endless and it is to a homosama, homo positive blood. Life with higher practice of consciusness, doctorine in it. Life is the best and organically great. Infinitive genus to higher and immortal souls a desmodus, romance neverending.

[Vampiras evangelium]

Completely pure soul advantages life with eternal tear and things world to be unsinfull wholity. Everything arcieves to be perfect and understanding God to be total in brain. Everything negative is to cure and relye to be ascensive. Tear is blue perfection to heal all. You proseduring the best is a salvation in need.

[Eternal tear]

You are a infernal basis to love all and antievil is high practise of consciusness and infinite correction to all illusion negative. You are made for love beyond and its never wrong to test your limits. I know and everybody knows at the end how sinister you where. Antievil is a practise of consciusness.

[Antievil testament]

Morally all are infinite, but immortal is with love beyond and all know vampiric exellent. No one feels touched with ammount of zero love for to be thingking that all importance is to love more and endlessly. All your advantagiousness in this labyrint is with love to have a meaning of futerance eternal. Immmortal is genus infinite with major understanding of forevermented reason of human existensing.

[Immortal babtise]

Forgive all invalid and birth love infinite. Total is God and infinitive love will salvate everything. No more human is born to fail and eternity is for everyone and brutal rule is for to capsulate every finality to exeed final indulgence. No more is a invalid orientation.

[Eternal forgivance]

With everything to testament we are rising our way to ascension with perfect thinking of life and augmentation of paradice futher with all we potent more than a fetus. Nothing really dies and forever we are mented to have a with it. Neverending is a desmodus romance.

[Ascension Godly]

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Chrimera 15.04.2011
Biisistä on todella vaikeaa löytää tarttumapintaa. Junnaava biitti, parit yksinkertaiset melodiat ja pituutta kosolti liikaa. Kokonaisuus sortuu kulkemaan trancen oppikirjan mukaan.
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IzirAtig 15.04.2011
07.07 on hyvä mitta tällaselle musiikille. Liian monet biisit loppuu liian lyhyeen.
Melodia on jotenki kiinalainen ja sopii lohikäärme teemaan.
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