Floating Down The Nile

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I saw a boy smacking his father at the corner
I saw the poor rise against the rich
and the Gods against the Gods
all against all

'Cos human being at its worst is more cruel and more hardened than
The beast of the river.
its heart is harder than rock, its vanity is lighter than dust
sink it to the river, after its clothes are dry its the same as before
sink it to the sorrow, and if it rises
it'll rise excactly same as before

I'm better than you
My blood is
More noble than yours

I know I'm better than you
They told me
I floated down the nile

The boy who smacked his father at the corner
grew up and now his son is smacking him at the corner
same wicked minds
spin around in a merry-go-round

'Cos human being at its worst is more cruel and more hardened than
The beast of the river.
its heart is harder than rock, its vanity is lighter than dust
sink it to the river, after its clothes are dry its the same as before
sink it to the sorrow, and if it rises
it rises excactly same as before


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