
01_liquid_fluids_v0.9 25.09.2005


two 'lectromechanicals proceed from thee flirt 2 thee end. Inspired by thee essay 'So That's What Those Two Robots Were Doing In The Park...I Thought They Were Repairing Each Other!' of Rosanne Alluquere Stone (1988)

-   0 429 plays

02_ambush@palladium_v0.9 24.09.2005


a scene from netlife (1996) www thriller, where tekla, a lock picker, meet her destiny @ palladium club in ambush

-   0 409 plays

04_ghost_riders_on_thee_net_v0.9_[trad]. 24.09.2005


trad. remix, here thee ghosts're on thee net

-   0 422 plays

06_trial_in_dust_v0.9 25.09.2005


thee intro scene from netlife (1996) www thriller, in thee very heavy noon in helsinski. dd, a pro killer, loads his shotguns'n'goes 2 clear thee rogue bar, cafe de cadence. Inspired by Ennio Morricone

-   0 366 plays

07_recovering_HPs_v0.9 25.09.2005


this fx is inspired by recovering below zero HPs in Cyberounk 2020 RPG, where NPC is dyin'n'waitin' help. In thee end, thee NPC is fully loaded and ready 2 new quests.

-   0 402 plays

extra01_animal_hour_aka_from_4_2_5v0.7 24.09.2005


thee last and thee hollowest hour of night, from 04 2 05

-   0 395 plays
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