Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
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Bassotaiteilijaa vailla

Today Markus has informed me, that he has deacided to quit playing in Deathrimental. The main reason is just his lack of time. Markus says: "It has been awesome to play with these guys and girl, but I don't have any choice, but to leave the band, because I don't have any time for it. The main reason for that is my other band Resurrection and my studies in high school. I wish all the best for Deathrimental in the future". Markus is still gonna play one gig with us in Kampirock in April 2008. The search for new bassist will begin immediately. For my self and the rest of the band, I wish him too all the best!
- Joonas/Deathrimental

Tuli vaan sillee ispiraationa mieleen et nytpä tehään "virallinen lehdistötiedote". Ehkä olen hieman väsynyt nyt.

Mutta tosiaan. Bändin seuraava "virallinen lehdistötiedote":

Because our bassplayer Markus has decided to quit in the band, we are now looking up for a follower for him. Our music is somekind of Alternative/Groove-metal with Thrash influences. From you we expect a little skill for playing, good sense for humor and flexiability for last minute canceling for our practices. (That will be explained if you contact us.) If you want more information from our group of gods of metal (to be) please read my former blogmarks, because we don't have an official site yet. (Haven't seen it necceccary.) For the time beeing we keep our trains in Monari, Jokela, in countys free bandspace so we are tight in regular trainingtimes (those can be nagoziaded about). For more information please contact us/me joonas.ranta-aho[at]pp.inet.fi
- Again Joonas/Deathrimental

Jepjep.. nyt on lapsella starafiilinki. Ehkä tämän voisimme kerrankille kaupata, kun kuitenkin alkavat perään soitella parin päivän sisällä.... Eikuhä?

Mutta tosissaan tässä sikäli olemme, että huhtikuun puolenvälin jälkeen on ballistin paikka auki. Kiinnostuneet ja jotenkuten edes taidokkaat yksilöt Jokelan lähialueilta saavat ottaa yhteyttä ja heille tullaan vastaamaan.



Kirjoitettu Thursday 28.02.2008


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