Secrecy (chapters 1-3)

FALLEN | 28.09.2010 | Melodic Metal

"Is there hope?" -levyn päättävä minisinfonia.

Secrecy (chapters 1-3)

SÄV: M. Jussila
SAN: M. Jussila & T. Vänskä
SOV: M. Jussila


These lines from a man
who shed a heart
created a book out of mind
pages ripped apart...

"who are you?
whence you came?"

no one knows
where to begin the
writings on a dreary page
every page is intricate
but there's one who can clarify!

"appearance & innermost"

Deep seams on a skin of a man
tells a tale of great knowledge
wisdom brought to life but
no one really knows what lies within

"what's on his mind?
what lies within?"

so many issues molest
questions left unanswered
one scarred face, deadpan
staring unavailing
no one will never know!

"is this the answer?"

the secret lies within,
broken memory, shaken mind
will this story
ever have an end?
the secrecy of a heart
once was tender, warm and kind
now just a ruin of mankind!

"Resurrect me from the misery,
Out of impact, made me obsolete..."

9.00   472 kuuntelua


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